Three Recognised At 2012 La Trobe Blue Awards

BlueAwards2012Every year La Trobe University recognises sporting excellence and volunteer contributions under a university award called the ‘Blue Awards’. On Friday the 10th of May the 2013 Awards were held and three members of the La Trobe University Hockey Club were recognised for Outstanding Service.

James Blackburn, Moz Davoli and Andrew Glide were among the few awards a Blue Award in recognition for their contributes to not only the club, but more broadly sports within the university.

During his acceptance speech, James Blackburn, currently Treasurer, reflected on his hockey highlights, including his first and only goal in State League.


It was against Maccabi down at Albert Park.  Blue skies, 20 degrees and I was lingering near the post at the city end.  Trav brought the ball into the base line, flicked it to the spot, deflected off the goalie into the air, towards me, I turned and smacked it in.  The crowd went wild – there were about 10 people there.  We lost 3 – 1 but that didn’t matter ’cause I was the hero of the day.” said Blackburn.

This is the club’s tenth Blue Award for Outstanding Service.

2012 – James Blackburn
2012 – Moz Davoli
2012 – Andrew Glide
2011 – Michael Wilcox
2010 – Sarah Dowling
2009 – Belinda ‘Gus’ Blackburn
2009 – Travis Dowling
2007 – Greg Van Meeuwen
2006 – Stu ‘Disco’ McCleary
1999 – Belinda ‘Gus’ Blackburn

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